Sunday, April 26, 2009

New Regimen

It's been a while since my last post. The reason is that I met a woman with whom I planned to spend my life. But when it became clear in the following week that she was both unwilling to seek transcendence of her own mortality in the physical act of love and really fussy about loaning money to people with whom she was forging a life-bond, I freed her to follow her own path. The worst of it is that we ran at the same times and places. That was how we met. And my new routes really don't do it for me. It took me some time, but I even got video proof she doesn't always run when she says she does. While I respect the temporal authority of the superior court, it's still asking a lot of an athlete to tell him to switch his regimen. Even my lawyer agreed with that one. And I don't think he's ever exercised.